The Lyvux Site promotes free software and GNU/Linux

Why choose Linux and Free Software ?

More reliable, stable Operating System, and a worldwide community that helps; security updates are available faster than other OS .
To surf the Internet, maybe it's the best solution : No viruses, not a system easily corruptible.You'll find your favorite web browsers : Firefox Mozilla, Chrome, Chromium, Opera and many other.
A lot of productivity software for free, like Blender for 3D creation, The Gimp for Photo editing, Libre Office or Open Office as productivity suite.
And many more ...
If you want the latest games, you need probably to turn to proprietary OS . Or maybe, try PlayOnLinux, which component allows you to run PC Games.
You can either choose to have a dual or multiboot system, running both Linux and other OS .
It's up to you !
But remember : it's very easy to install a Linux distribution. And the way your desktop is organized is more logical than any other OS .
If you own an old PC or laptop, don't throw it away ! Give him a second chance by installing Linux.

Full review of the main Linux Distros

The Distrowatch website offers a full review of the most known Linux distributions (at least 100):

Free Software, Open Source and so on

A lot of organizations exist around the world to promote free software.
The most famous, of course, is the FSF
But why Free Software ? Below is what some people think about Free Software use :

Search through your favorite search engine, according to your location you'll find one close to your place.


Debian, one of the most reliable in the Linux Universe:
  • A secure system
  • Focused on productivity
  • A lot of free useful software (Packages ) (43000 ! according to their website)


Fedora, The RedHat experience as mentor:

  • A secure system
  • Focused on productivity
  • The RedHat experience as backing


Ubuntu, one of the most appreciable approach to the Linux Universe:

  • Easy to install
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to master

Others Linux flavors and beyond ...

Other distros are interesting and based on other kernel:
  1. Slackware
  2. FreeBSD, which is in fact a Unix-based system

Using a VirtualBox®

When using a Virtualbox® with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS as a host, on a laptop with a i7 CPU, ad 16GB of RAM, what can we expect ?
Settings for each Virtual Machine are the same:
  1. 2 processors
  2. 4096MB amount of RAM

Starting another Linux OS, here's what we can expect :

  1. Debian will start in 12"60
  2. Fedora will start in 15"05
  3. CentOS will start in 23"17
  4. FreeBsd will start in 28"48
Counter has been started when the green start button has been clicked on - See picture below).
VirtualBox menu bar